Affordable Websites for Small Business & Individuals

Phone (919) 872-3210  -  Basic  -  Easy Control Panel

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If you are a small business or individual, then your budget will probably NOT allow you to invest $5,000.00 or more to have a complete custom website designed for you.


Now:  For only $9.95 per month we will give you ALL the tools you need to create and maintain your own website yourself!  Here is what you will receive in our "Basic" package:

  • Custom simple website domain hosting with YOUR COMPANY'S information on a domain owned by your company.

  • Professional site-building instructions and monthly maintenance including up to 30 minutes per month of services by your own personal webmaster when required.  (Additional webmaster time is billed separately at $30.00/hour in 1/10th hour increments.)

  • In addition, we will provide ALL of the features listed further down this page.

Basic Hosting
$9.95 per month.

• 100 Megs space

• 1 account with its own domain name hosting, emails, ftp, mysql, subdomains, and more.

•  Additional "Parked" domains can be added at no additional charge.

• 15 Gigs bandwidth

• 15 Email Addresses

• 15 Email Forwarders

• 15 Email Autoresponders

• 10 Sub Domains

• 3 MySQL databases

• 10 FTP accounts

• $30 set-up fee

• Pay Month to month

• Advanced Control Panel

• FrontPage Extensions

• Log Viewer

• File Manager

• Backup Manager

• Password protect folders and files

• Cron Manager

• MySQL Manager

• Error Pages

• Pop email accounts

• Webmail program


• PostgreSQL

All website packages are:

• Hosted on rack mounted servers

• Professionally managed

• No hops to the internet

• On an OC192 network that is 6446 times faster than a T-1

• 99.9% uptime

• 24 hour trouble ticket Technical support.  ($3/month)

• Linux or Windows OS


After you subscribe, please be sure to return to our set-up form to tell us how to set up your website.

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